MAroon Clown Question


I purchased a single Maroon Clown about a year ago. It is doing great. I only bought one beacuse the guy at the LFS said MArron's should not be paired. I am now learning that maroons can indeeed be kept in pairs. My question is this: can i add another maroon? and if i do, will my maroon be aggrezive towards it?


Active Member
Yes, you can add another maroon but what size is your clown now? Could very well be a female by now. If that's the case then you'll need to add a smaller one and let them establish who's the boss. You'll have to keep a good eye on them. They will have spats. They do look violent. And in some cases the more dominant of the two will kill the outcast. A good sign would be the the less dominant quivers to the more dominant. Maroons are the most aggressive clownfish.


i have tried pairing a maroon clownfish about a year ago and the two wouldn stop fighting, even when one was scared the other would not stop attacking. They both were the same size though. For some reason the kid in the store said they would be ok, but shows how much they know. I kept the less aggressive one and now it is 3-4 inches long. what is the best way to pair my maroon clownfish now?


Active Member
You now have a female Maroon. You'll need to get a smaller maroon to go with her. They will pair better than clowns of the same size. They may still fight and there is no guarantee but you'll have a better chance. Definitely give them some time to settle together. If the female looks like shes really doing some damage then separate immediately but if she's chasing him and not taking chunks out or anything then leave them be. This is what they do to establish dominance. The female should be the more dominant one and the male should quiver to the female to show submission.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Nw2Salt08
Yes, you can add another maroon but what size is your clown now? Could very well be a female by now. If that's the case then you'll need to add a smaller one and let them establish who's the boss. You'll have to keep a good eye on them. They will have spats. They do look violent. And in some cases the more dominant of the two will kill the outcast. A good sign would be the the less dominant quivers to the more dominant. Maroons are the most aggressive clownfish.
+1 get the SMALLEST one u can find. about half her size or even smaller. remember the smaller the better. if u get one about the same size. they will kill each other.


i have a pair of small maroon clowns, got them together. but they are best friends. Some times they nip each other, but when its night time they sleep together. lol


This may be a really stupid question, but why would the clown be a female since it is bigger? Do the clowns change --- or something?


Active Member
Yes they do. All clowns start out as male and when one establishes dominance it becomes a female. They can only change from male to female. They can't go back. If you only put one in then it becomes a female as it matures because it doesn't have anyone to contend with on dominance so then you have to put a smaller one (male) in to try to pair them.