Maroon Clown Questions! HELP


so i have a 30g tank and i just have a 6-strip wrasse in it, my lfs has a pair of maroon clowns for sale. i want them, can they co-exsist? and will they all 3 be too much on my bioload?


Active Member
All compatibility charts suggest that they would be ok. And adding the maroon pair last is always a good suggestion as they are the most aggressive of all the clownfish species. I don't see it as an issue. I added my maroon clowns last on my stocklist and they have not been aggressive to any of my fish unless they get too close to their anemone then they chase them off. Other than that, no issues. It would also help to add them with the lights off. Less aggression issues. As far as bioload, you should be ok but I wouldn't advise adding too many other fish unless you plan on making more water changes. HTH!


ok cause i have heard different things about maroons that 30gal is suffice and others say it isnt...sooo yeah


Active Member
When I first got my maroons they were in a 30gal hex for almost 5 months before being moved to my 55gal. If you keep your stocklist to a small list of fish and have a good cleanup crew it's not an issue. I always did a 5 gal water change every week to keep the params spot on. I never had an issue. I moved them over to the 55 gal because I upgraded to a bigger reef tank.