Maroon Clown with Condylactis?!?!


I purchased a beautiful maroon clown and a few days later I placed two condy/Haitian anemones in the tank with him. Two days later and (to my utter amazement) the clown has adopted one of them as his own! The LFS guy said that the only thing he might guess was that because the clown is NOT tank-raised it was more eager to find a host anemone and was , apparently, willing to "settle" for the condy! I was thrilled ... the relationship between a clown and his host is great to watch, and he seems to be as happy as can be. Has anyone else had similar experiences? I would imagine that this is rather unusual!


yeah, one of my maroons did that, they will often get "desperate" and look for anything :) clarkis will also do it on occasion


Saw a similar occurance at my lfs this week. A skunk clown in an Atlantic condy. It seemed to be quite content!


Active Member
its kinda strange, ive seen more maroons bond with condys than any/all other anemones combine. a clown and an anemone will always go side by side. bo