Maroon Clown with problem.....?


Hello all!
I have a maroon clown that has a peeling face. Right around the lips and heading back to the top of his head. It looks like a burn or like the fish just his some LR a great deal. I just caught it in a spec. cup....lucky me! I am excited that I cought the fish, but want to treat it approperatly. Can anyone help me......RXP is for ich...copper..or any suggestions would be great.
Thanks all,
Mike (njbluefish)


Staff member
Did you just get this clownfish? Is the clown acting normal otherwise, or is it stressed.
A lot more details needed.


The clown is part of a mated pair of maroon clowns. (male) It is in an established reef tank 65G. The NO3's are a bit high 60ppm. and everyting else is at or better than exceptable levels. Nothing in the tank has changed over the past three months. The sick clown has been in the tank for 8 months. The LFS siad that it is a fungus type infection that can be treated with antibiotics. I have the fish in a 10g. QT with one tablet of anti-b. I plan to add one tab a day for four days. The QT has a filter with just floss and a air stone. I also have a heater to maintain water temp. I just did a 10% on the tank that the clown came from. Any suggestions would be great. I would hate to see him go. Thanks all!
NJBluefish (Mike)