Nope. He's trying to make his own little safe area, mine has been doing it recently by a cheap condilactus anemone I have (they last like a month in my tank that has plain old fluorescent lighting) , he has a good reason, hes surrounded by a lionfish and triggers, but he holds his own. As soon as my 40 gallon reef tank is setup I'm moving everything from my nanocube into there and then moving my maroon into the nanocube with a bubble anemone, I can't wait to see him in an anemone he truly likes. Usually clowns don't take condilactus anemones as a host, but my LFS tells me that my marroon does because compared to other clownfish, their the strongest speceies that can resist stronger stings. Anyways I tried putting a bubble anemone in there, because it was taking over the corals in my nanocube (my tank raised clowns wouldn't go in it!!) and it ended up dying. Anyways, I went completly off topic, but I can't wait to see my clownfish truly happy and not scaired of big fish eating it!