Maroon clown


I was wondering if a smaller gs maroon clown, prob about an inch long, would do fine in a 55 without being agressive to the other fish.


New Member
I have a 2 & 1/2 inch GS Maroon in a 65 and have never seen any agression. Just my experence though.


Active Member
my clowns never really got very aggressive unless they had a host. some pecks here and there, but with an anenome they definitely have a space in the tank. other fish can use the rest of the tank though as the clown won't leave it's host. that's just my experience.


Active Member
My maroons about four inches, he's alone in the tank now but he chased another fish away from "his area" when we had it and now he chases the cleaner shrimp if they encrouch on his space. As long as the other fish left the maroon alone they'd probably be fine. Maybe get maroon after other fish so it doesn't have a chance to claim half the tank


My maroon was never agressive... He loved his tank mates.
I guess it all depends on the actual fish (as usual)