Maroon clown??


New Member
My new maroon clown does not seem interested in swimming down into the live rock at all. There are no other fish for it to fear. Right now it is sleeping up in the top corner of the tank behind the power head. Is it possible I have too much current. I have a 29 gallon tank with a 160 gph power head.
All help is greatly appreciated.


Active Member
How long have you had the maroon? It is normal for clown fish to sometimes linger in the top corner of the tank for a few days until it settles in. If its eating and otherwise acting normal you have nothing to worry about, it will find a home eventually. I would like to say this is caused by the clown being removed from an anemone in the wild causing it to freak out now that the anemone is gone, but I have no proof to back this up :)


both of my clowns sleep at the top at night . They go down in the rocks and swim durring the day. one is a tank riased pucula the other a caught marroon. they are healthy and fine I wonder though if the 3 damsils I have may be the reasion.


This is normal for a new clown untill he finds something to host to he will sleep there at night as mine did. once i put a Anemone in the tank he took to it instantly and hasnt left it since. goodluck. Missy


Once I added an anenome he sleeps in it every night. The thing kinda wraps him up like a blanket - i'm not kidding.