maroon clown ?



what type of anemone should i get my maroon clown my LFS has purple tips and flower ones or is there a better one he or she may like to host better


you people are killin me i give advise and info all the time and when i make a post asking something no helps me what do you all dislike me or something am i being shund

sal t. nutz

I have a Gold stripped Maroon Clown and I bought it a Purple Tip and it won't leave the damn thing alone. I don't think I have seen the fish stray more then 8 inches from it unless it's feeding time. At which time, if I don't chop the food up small enough, he steals all the food and brings it to the Anemone.


how long from when you put the purple tip in did he start gowing to it

ed r

I believe most people used Bubble Tips or Long Tentacle anemonees for Maroons, with Bubble Tips being most common. I hope you have very good lighting, water conditions, and a well established tank. These anemonees are fortunately among the hardiest for keeping in aquariums, but they still need good conditions. Good luck with your choice.
(P.S. your original post was early in the morning for many people. I think a lot of the ones who would respond did not get a chance before your second post.)