maroon clownfish not eating


Active Member
i have a pair of maroons in my 20gal that have stopped eating frozen food and pellets. this tank is doing very well with countless copepods and i think they are eating the copepods...
they do not appear skinny. is this a good thing? what can i do to get them eating again.
i am worried


Foods with garlic helps fish eat a little better. if they eat the copepods yes its good for them. if you water temp is to low they may not want to eat or be as active. See if your LFS has live Brine or try flake food or something that has garlic to it.


Active Member
Healthy maroons will eat about anything. Are there water problems? Other fish eating? If both maroons have stopped feeding? How long? Its possible they are eating a lot of pods, but it sounds like something else.


Originally Posted by Mr.clownfish
if i wanna feed them frozen with garlic, do i have to soak the food in the garlic?
get a little tank water in a cup with the frozen food and a little bit of the garlic liquid to add to the cup mix it up a little and feed them. What else do you got going on?? other fish eating? water pram? Temp?


Active Member
Originally Posted by srfisher17
Healthy maroons will eat about anything. Are there water problems? Other fish eating? If both maroons have stopped feeding? How long? Its possible they are eating a lot of pods, but it sounds like something else.
Exactly what I was thinking....If a Maroon Clown is not eating, I would think something is going on in there.


+1. Maroons will always keep eating. Doesnt matter how full they are. Something is wrong. Check salinity, temp swings, nitrates, etc.