maroon clownfish


this is for anyone who has ever kept a maroon clown: i am thinking about buying one or two(i want them to breed in the future, maybe) and wanted to know others peoples experience on the fish and if they are good beginner fish cuz if another one of my fish dies i will probably have a mental breakdown


To start off with, are you getting a gold barred maroon, or a regular one with the white bars? I have experience with the white bars which are notorious for being the most aggressive of the clownfish species, while the gold bar is a little more passive. They are extremely hardy fish, mine was the only fish out of five to survive ich, so i would highly recommend it to a beginner. However, she did get a bit too aggressive with my tang and angel, so they definitely wear the pants in the tank. Pairs however, seem hard to come by, so get one wherever you see one. I introduced 2 or 3 other clowns, almost dying. They're rather hard to introduce one after one has been established


I have owned my maroon now for about 5 years. I bought 2 at the same time, but she ended up rejecting the male after getting them in the tank. Make sure they keep them in the same bag whant you get them from the fish store. If they get separated there is a chance of loosing the pair status. Anyway, pretty good fish. She chases my flame angel at feeding time, but for the most part she just hangs out with a flower pot coral that she uses like an anemone. They are a hardy fish, but if you are having fish die I am not sure if it is time to get another one.


well actually it has been a week now and my tank has been great i am prob going to get a white barred maroon clown this weekend i have a bubble tip anemone waiting for her
do you have to get a pair or can you just buy one?


Active Member
They do just fine as a single. Unless they are very small juvis, never introduce any other clown to the tank---the maroon won't tolerate it. If you want a pair of maroons (or any clown) you generally have 2 choices; buy them as a mated pair, or buy two juvis and one will usually become female and the other male. Female clowns are much bigger, when mature. A mature female maroon is also an incredibly aggressive & territorial fish. BTW; many clowns on the market now are tank bred and they will very seldom host an anemone.