Maroon Clown's strange behavior



I have had a maroon clown for about 5 months it started out in a 13g nano and is now in a 55g. In the nano it would float sideways behind the flow thingy until feeding time and other random times and now in the 55g it does the same thing but behind the filter tube. I know it is not being terrorized by my pajama cardinal or firefish but I was wondering if anyone has experienced this and if there is any way to stop it like maybe a playmate?


Not sure on the playmate idea, I believe that maroon clowns can be pretty terrotorial unless they are a mated pair, but im sure someone will come clear this up


idk i think I might just bring him back and get a pair because its behavior, Im gonna bring a pair of clowns in first to see the reaction though.


Staff member
Sounds like normal behavior for a fish who is under stress due to aggression. I think you need to make a decision on how to restore peace to the tank.


Active Member
It sounds like the dominate fish in your tank; if this is the case, it may just be establishing territory. Single maroons almost always become female and a female maroon is one of the most territorial fish I know of.. Also, clowns will often "host" a piece of equipment; similar to hosting an anemone. If this is the case, you should see this fish fiercely guarding her territory soon. She could easily claim the whole 55 and become quite nasty. The aggression shown by large clowns really surprises lots of folks.