Maroon Coral-type creature?


New Member
Can anyone identify this? It started on the rock, a little at a time, but has now spread rapidly to the sand, snail shells, and is smothering the polyps. I have a 40gal saltwater tank, about 4 years old. I thought it was a coral, except the individual "things" are similar in size and look like little leeches. HELP! What are they and how do I control or eradicate them?



New Member
I also have pulsing zenia, cinnamon polyps (although it is not on these, just the dragon's eye polyps), a gorgonian, orange and green ricordea. Does look flat . . . what is flat worm and please don't tell me the outbreak happened by overfeeding - my biggest downfall.



It's flatworms :( I got rid of mine w/ a sixline wrasse and a spotted mandarin as well as siphoning out as many as I could for about 2 weeks. There are millions of other methods that people have used, this is just what worked for me.