maroon finally hosted anemone


I have had my maroon for about a week after selling my pair of false percs. I sold them because they wouldn't hang out in the anemone. After getting the maroon it also didn't go to the anemone...This morning I wake up and to my suprise the maroon is all over the anemone...
ITS AWESOME...I am so happy that the anemone and maroon are at last together...
anyone have success w/ pairs of maroons....everywhere I've read recommends against it, but at the pet store on the other side of michigan they actually had a mated pair of maroons staight out of the ocean...


Thats awesome! Congra'ts, I couldn't get my clowns to host in my anemone either.


I know its awesome...I just have to make sure I keep the BTA well fed or the fish will become its dinner....
wish i could get a pair of maroons...


I had a pair, but i got them that way.... pretty much from what i have heard they have to be a pair when you get them or it won't work too well. never had a prob with percs a bta's maybe i'm just lucky that way.... keep your eye on your bta the first time my percs hosted he got a case of wandering feet, so i traded him for a bigger one.
btw which side of michigan are you on?

melissa v.

Maroon clowns are great, i love mine, melody has some great shots of hers, i'll bump this for ya, and see if she sees it.
Melissa V.


Active Member
I have a juvi gold-stripe maroon in my 90g with 2 false percs. So far, they are getting along great, the percs on one side, and the maroon on the other. I know it's really iffy that they will continue to get along as they get older, but I decided to take the chance, since clowns are incredibly easy to catch and remove, I'll just have to give my maroon away if he causes problems. Anyway, my maroon has just started hosting in my plate coral during the night. My guess is he will soon move up to the frogspawn that is just above that plate coral. I do have a BTA I'd like it to host in, but it is located on the percs side of the tank :).

melissa v.

He might just host the plate coral, here is a pic of my plate with my tomato hosting it, he would sleep under it every night, then my plate died (i was very sad, so was my tomato) and he hasn't hosted anything else yet.
Melissa V.