maroon gold strip question. plz someone answer


Active Member
i have a baby gold strip about 1inch big. and im waiting till it gets about 2in. so i can get it a small 1in male. and i asked my lfs about paring her/him up and he said that they will never mate. they will kill each other. is this true? i know maroons and tomato's are very hard to mate up but i have had luck in the past with tomato's.
does anyone have a mated pair? can u post a pic please. i wanna see how they look paired up.

small triggers

Active Member
i bought a very large maroon that i had in my aggressive tank, and i had a tiny little one in my nano. Well, ended up putting everything in the nano into the new 150g and well, they didnt do great at first,,, took about 4 months (and an anemone) but they have now laid 3 sets of eggs. It can happen,, it just takes time and space (ya gotta have decent size tank or they could fight??)


The easiest is the grow out method. Get 2 juvinelles, let them mature together. Why not get another juvinelle now. They will bicker as they mature as they sort out dominance issues.
I was one of the unlucky ones, I had a large maroon that killed it's intended mate. They are much easier to pair while very young, the agression comes with maturity.
You should get a copy of Joyce Wilkerson's book clownfishes, it covers just about everything you need to know about them and with a name like Mr. Clownfish....


Active Member
Definitely take what Lmecher said into consideration. These guys/girls are the most aggressive clowns. The aggression will happen but it's not nearly as bad as pairing a mature pair. I bought my pair already together. My LFS doesn't bring in singes then pair them. These paired in the wild. Here's a pic of my pair.

tax lady

Originally Posted by Nw2Salt08
Definitely take what Lmecher said into consideration. These guys/girls are the most aggressive clowns. The aggression will happen but it's not nearly as bad as pairing a mature pair. I bought my pair already together. My LFS doesn't bring in singes then pair them. These paired in the wild. Here's a pic of my pair.
They are beautiful indeed!! Have you raised any babies?
By the way, do you mind telling how much the paired maroons went for?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Lmecher
The easiest is the grow out method. Get 2 juvinelles, let them mature together. Why not get another juvinelle now. They will bicker as they mature as they sort out dominance issues.
I was one of the unlucky ones, I had a large maroon that killed it's intended mate. They are much easier to pair while very young, the agression comes with maturity.
You should get a copy of Joyce Wilkerson's book clownfishes, it covers just about everything you need to know about them and with a name like Mr. Clownfish....
HEY! what does "with a name like mr.clownfish...." supposed to mean!?!?!
lol i know A LOT about clownfish i just wasnt sure about pairing gold strip maroons! its my first gold
and my LFS said it can not be done ever, so he confused me


Active Member
i have mated together more than 20 clowns in my hobby experience. most of which where percula and a couple of tomato's. the i sell them to family and friends for 50-75 bucks. thats how i usually get money to spend for my fish tanks.
i have only had one unsuccessful pair up which ended to their deaths and that was 2 maroon clownfish. they where both the same size
i knew it would not work. but i wanted to try. that was the only time. so i have not kept maroon clownfish in a while now.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Nw2Salt08
Definitely take what Lmecher said into consideration. These guys/girls are the most aggressive clowns. The aggression will happen but it's not nearly as bad as pairing a mature pair. I bought my pair already together. My LFS doesn't bring in singes then pair them. These paired in the wild. Here's a pic of my pair.

i hope i can mate mine up.


Active Member
but the thing with my "baby" golds strip is that i think its a female cause i have an anemone and after a while it started getting very aggressive. im thinking it has turned into a female so i dont want to risk getting a bigger one and having it be a female. i love this maroon too much. i dont want her to die. so i want her to grow a little because there are no smaller ones than her. then if im lucky i will find another baby maroon and see what happened from there.


was just kidding about your name, really didn't mean to offend you.
I hope your successful pairing your maroon, I hope to see photos of the happy couple one day.