maroon gold stripe


What do you think of putting 2 gold stripe maroon, aquacultured of course, with a single false oscellaris. I have a coral beauty, flame hawkfish, 3 damsels. I have fallen in love with the gold stripe, and I am going back and forth on if I should do this. Appreciate any input.


Clownfish should never be mixed especially the maroons, they are one of the most aggressive clownfish to get and will probably declare dominance over the tank when it gets older
I have a baby gold stripe right now in a 25 gallon and he is the cutest and seems like a very passive fish, but I'm sure when he gets older he won't be that way at all


Yea, Maroons get very aggressive when they get bigger. I have had mine now for about a year and he is about 2.5 inches now and takes up a good quarter of the tank as "his" area