Maroon striped help!!


I recently P/U a pair of maroon striped clowns for a reasonable price..I did not have an anenome for them, and they took to my big kenya tree coral..I ran out and got them a RBTA..they don't seem to even notice it is in the tank...Is there a way to get them to check it out....They are irritating the _____ out of the tree won't even open up anymore...Maybe it takes them alittle while..I have only had the anenome for 24 I violating the golden Rule in this hobby...Patience, Patience, and more Patience...Thanks


Active Member
Do you know if they were captive bred or wild caught? Were they with an anemone at the LFS where they came from?


My gold stripe wont pay any attention to my GLTA either and it been about 2 1/2 weeks so far and mine was a wild clown so Im in the same boat as you


They were tank raised , and no they weren't with an anenome at the lfs..Thanks..I gather that is important...


Active Member
Originally Posted by Sinner's Girl
Not all clowns will take to an anemone.
And it's actually not a bad thing sometimes. Clowns can be very rough on a anemone, and neither one needs the other to be happy. If you like the way the anemone looks in your tank then keep it.


i have 2 clowns and they were tank raised and i have had them for like a month and a half and the anemone for the same time and theyt will not even go near the thing i saw them in it once at night and other then that they never go it not even at nihgt any more is that normal?


Active Member
Give them time, if there hosting in coral then they should host in a Bubble Tip. If you can move the coral then they might get confused and move into the anemone.