maroon vs. my sand bed


just got two paired maroon clowns and the momma is messing up my DSB....what the heck is she doing?!?!
thanx for the help in advance


Active Member
Many clowns will do this. My GSM is in a tank by himself. There is no way I'd let him in my reef as he would make a mess of it.
Not a behavior you can change. If it's too bothersome you may need to find another place for him.
Good Luck!


Active Member
they do this when a anomone is not present in a tank, they dig holes that establishes their territories in the tank
my marroon clown would do it so i got rid of him, now my perculas do it now


Active Member
They do it sometimes if you have a host for them too. Main reason I don't like clowns. Plus they are mean S.O.B.s.