Maroon with bad attitude


my maroon has been getting worse and worse. first it was being overly aggressive towards my dragonet and foxface. and recently ive noticed it pushes rocks and corals that are near it. its gettin pretty annoying cause i wake up every morning to find my corals on the sandbed. it even tries to attack my hand when its near its BTA or when i rearrange my LR, and it tries to push them off. Whats going on? has she declared herself the queen of the tank?



Originally posted by romeofoeve
Whats going on? has she declared herself the queen of the tank?

Absolutly it has.
Also a foxface in a 30 gallon tank is a very bad idea. They are one of those fish that need swimming room.


Active Member
I agree with Thomas.
You have one of the most aggressive clownfish species and sounds you actually have one with a "diva" attitude. Small tank for such a big attitude.
Agree with the foxface as well, they need swimming room and the clown will eventually kill it for being in her territory.


hmm...what can i do to calm it down? it killed another maroon i was trying to pair it with. it dosted a condi but i "upgraded" her to a massive BTA and now shes worse. i kinda dont want to get rid of her because shes been in my tank forever, i even started the nit cycle with her and shes a trooper, but now shes getting murderous. I fear for my chromis' lives.