MarOxy - A joke

When I got my gold stripe maroon clown about a month ago, a fugus/infection appeared about a day or two after I bought him. In the QT, I treated him with MarOxy for 5 days but to no results.
I then started to feed him Formula One (along with garlic soaked brine and garlic soaked flake food) and I immediately started to see his fungal infection go away.
This was just an FYI in case someone else was planning on using MarOxy to treat a fungus/infection. I guess nothing beats a good varied diet!


Staff member
Doubtful that the fish had a fungas to begin with. What were the symptoms?
It had a white cotton like tuft on one of its gills. It had no other strange behavior.
Had this on a previous gold stripe maroon clown (from a different LFS) and that one didn't make it.
From what I read I thought it was a bacterial/fungus infection.
What do you think it was?


Staff member
If it was bacterial, then the maroxy wouldn't work. "Fungas" infections just are not that common in SW aquaria.
I'm sorry, maybe I shouldn't have slammed this product. It's just that according to its instructions&descriptions, my clown had a fungus infection and it said that it was supposed to cure it.
Maybe my clown had something else.