New Member
I had a pretty big ricodia polyp right in the front of my tank that dislodged itself from its rock a few days ago. I didn't think anything of it and just figured it was relocating itself. It looked fine just sitting on the sand this morning but when I got home from work it looked and felt like a big pile of marshmallow fluff. I mean it was totally unidentifiable. I scooped it out with a net and put in in the disposal. (what a smell!!) I just tested the levels and the only thing that is not as it should be is now the nitrates. Last night they where "0", now they are about 15. I know ricordia are more of an anemone than a mushroom (hence the smell) but I can't figure out what happened. All levels are fine the temp probably reached a high of 81 today and everything else is fine. I have about 20 other ricordia polyps in the tank. This one was all alone and could not have been stung by anything. Any ideas? :notsure: