Mary, Mary quite contrary, how does YOUR sea garden grow?


New Member
I thought this might be an interesting discussion.
a) What things in your tank that should have done poorly, have blossomed?
b) What things that should be growing like crazy, have shrunk or died?
For me, it's as follows:
a) A white sebae anenome. I bought him before I knew better... just a little white blob of purple tipped tentacles about three inches in diameter. Four months later, I now have a 12 inch BEAST of a brown sebae that I'm going to have to put a fence around if he doesn't keep growing into my corals, but I love him so.
b) MUSHROOMS. Geez, I can not get a mushroom to reproduce or even thrive. I've moved them into shadier spots, they reach for the light, I put them in the light, they shrivel. I have a few stalwart heads still trying to survive, but nothing like the great, expanded colonies I have seen others have.
So... how does your sea garden grow?


Active Member
My mistake was getting a condi for my nano tank. It was a tiny little thing when I got it and grew like nothing I have ever seen before. It perched himself on some LR about just below my compacts and also where it could take advantage of the couple of hours of natural sunlight that comes in first thing in the morning. Needless to say, after 3 months it went back to the LFS because it was blocking the light for everything else in the tank and also I believe ate a peppermint shrimp and was doing it's best to eat my clowns who where in trouble due to lack of swimming space. I think the growth was not helped because he took to eating frozen krill and brine shrimp cubes from day one. LOL
The one thing that did not do well and died that I expected to be fine was a feather duster, I have many of the smaller ones that have thrived from day one, but the big one only lasted a couple of weeks. Not sure what happened and have been thinking about trying another. I do believe though that it might have left a baby behind because there is a small feather duster growing where he was at that does not look like my others.