Mass Scarlet Carnage


Put a clean up crew in my 60 gallon 2 days ago including 20 scarlet crabs. Came home today and there are dead crabs everywhere! In a few cases their limbs are laying around in the tank...others are intact but deceased. I found a few alive but they don't appear healthy.:eek:
Peppermint shrimp,emerald crabs and snails added at same time seem to be fine...other tank inhabitants are 2 small percs and 1 blue damsel.
RO water is Nitrite 0, Nitrate 5, Ammonia 0, salinity 35ppt, Temp 80.0 and PH was around 8.6 after lights had been on about 4 hours.
Why did my crabs croak?


Dont think they molted because they are dead in their shells.
They were all very active as late as 9:00 pm yesterday and now they are all dead.
I was told that the pH of my tank should not be over 8.4. Mine usually runs right at 8.1 during the lighting ours. Maybe the high pH did it. Just a guess.


Being that only these crabs died, and everything else is fine, maybe you just got a bad batch of crabs. The Ph is a little high but I wouldn't think that would kill all of them that fast. Besides your remaing crabs how do the fish look.? SWimming well, eating clear eyes?

the claw

Active Member
Maybe the damsel is eating better than the rest of us....
Did you acclimate them correctly when you added them to your tank?
Do you have a test for copper? Copper in your tank will kill them first. Your emerald will be next. Do you use RO/DI water or tap? (There can be enough copper from your pipes in your house to kill) Is this an old tank or a new one. (residual copper from old tank can be high enough to kill.)


NC Snake-
I went through something similar, on a smaller scale, with snails. My first two guess would be:
1) The PH might be high - mine was 8.6 when my snails and other small inverts i put in literally liquified!
2) Echo the above - if you used tap water ,at all, and there is even ther slightest trace of copper in there, your inverts are done dude! That's what did my tank in.