I am away from home for the summer and my wife is taking care of our tank. She has been doing great with water changes (more than I do) but in 2 days we lost our hippo tang/purple fire fish/2 cleaner shrimp/one pepermint shrimp and a coral beauty last week. 3 clowns/6 pepermint shrimp and a mandrin gobie are still alive (as of tonight). Her knowledge of the hobby is very minimal, so I had a friend go by and check the situation. Water peramaters were good and my corals are good. The best conclusion he could draw was the water temp was too high (no a/c while she went to work) it was close to 80. What do you guys think? The change has been made to keep the a/c on even when she is not home and she is floating bags of ice to bring the temp down. I had her reset the MH light timer to keep it off in the heat of the day and close the shades (no direct sunlight). The remaining animals are tending to hang out at the top of the tank and apparently a fine red hair algie is moving in. Is this a temp problem? She has used all the same buckets and equipment so while contamination is a thought I tend to doubt it.
Tanks for any help.
Tanks for any help.