Matching up clownfish


i know there is alot of discussion of this but i could not find answer through a search. i have a large clownfish its been in my DT for 4 months and i want to pair it up. Does it matter if i go with a different species (ie maroon) or does it need an identical partner?
any chance my large one will destroy the new one? this already happened to my yellow tangs when i added a mate!


sorry just realized i posted to the wrong section. pls respond anyway as i dont want to duplicate my question ... that would be an even bigger crime!


Active Member
I needs an identical partner. What kind of clown is it, Clarkii/Ocellaris/Percula?


Active Member
MUST BE the same kind, just get smaller. The smaller the better. there will be some fighting until the little one figures out who runs the house. Ha! Not always a gaurantee though. The bigger one can still wound/kill the smaller one. Good luck.


Active Member
Originally Posted by hot883
MUST BE the same kind, just get smaller. The smaller the better. there will be some fighting until the little one figures out who runs the house. Ha! Not always a gaurantee though. The bigger one can still wound/kill the smaller one. Good luck.

Yep, I added two O clowns at the same time, one big and one small, and after a week the big one was still going whacko so I had to seperate them. Good thing I have three tanks.


Active Member
I bought my 2 at the same time from the same tank. They were both the same size until nature took over and one changed. You might have to see if the LFS will take yours in as a trade so you can get 2 from the same tank.
Not always good to hear but is an option. i would rather have 2 healthy and happy then 1 getting picked on constantly. I'm battling with my "finger pointing, head shaking side to side attitude having yellow tang" thats a bully.


New Member
In my experience with clown fish it always seems better to try to get two of the same species and SAME SIZE to add to the tank. I also try to add them at the same time but this way if you add one to a tank that already had a clownfish in it when they are the same size the new addition won't be as likely to die as a result of the dominating nature of the veterin clownfish. That's all the advice I can give. GOOD LUCK!!


I added a clown to my tank about 1 1/2 years later. my tomato didn't like him and beat him into the upper corner of the tank. so now he has hosted the power head and if anyone come around he scares then off. I got a few anenome's for the tank but the tomato is the only one that has hosted then. that other clown is a cinnimon clown. I think it was a waste of money. he lives in the corner with the power head and won't move.