I have had a really great Clarkii for a couple months (she hosts a Haitian pink tip anemone with zest) and I had decided I want to try to establish a mated pair so I bought another Clarkii (much smaller) from the same lfs and brought it home. By the way it's really pretty and has large white stripes continuing up into the dorsal and caudal fins where there is normally only a thin white edge. Anyway the larger one has just harassed the poor little one continuously. It is still okay and eating but has to hide in the rocks. I've had them together for about a week, is there any hope they will become friends? They are both pretty young does this make a difference? The large one is about 2" long and the smaller about 1 1/4" long. I've got 2 yellow damsels that the larger clown is very good friends with, I am removing them and taking them back to the lfs. Will this help the 2 clowns become friends. I'm also going to rearrange the tank since I'm sure I'll have to take all the rock out to catch the damsels. Do you think this will help? Any encouraging words will be appreciated. This little one is so cute with the white fins I don't want to lose him.