Mates for my trigger


New Member
I am just starting to stock my tank and don't expect to buy anything right away, but.. Unfortunately, I relied on the "aquarium guy" and didn't do my research. I was at the store and saw this employee playing with this niger trigger.. he was jumping and spitting... it was adorable. So I asked the owner, "hey, is that a hardy fish and good for a beginner?" he said yes. Mind you, when I bought him, I had NO fish in my tank yet. and that dude knew it..
(*sigh*) anyway, now I am in love with the little guy but don't know what I can put in with him that he wont eat. He already ate one of my little damsels once I started feeding him silversides.. any advise? I only have a 30 gallon tank btw...
any advise would be grand.


Active Member
If your lfs knew you only had a 30 gallon tank, and sold you a fish that will grow to 15 inches, he's irresponsible. Please return the trigger and tell him you want fish that can live for a long time in your tank, not a few months. I would not add anything else with this trigger.
Suitable fish for your tank; basslets, clowns, gobies, firefish, blennies.


Agree- I wouldnt go back to that store. Return the fish with a friendly "I'll find someone more responsible, and more concerned about their customers hobby and the life of their pets rather than making a fast buck"


New Member
I actually tried .. he said that there is no returns on saltwater fish .. when I told him what you guys said, he first said it was b.s and then when I told him about where I was told that, he went on to say that "the problem with the internet is that any idiot with a computer and an opinion can say whatever they want and people take it for truth. I have a degree in marine biology .. (blah, blah, blah)". it should be okay though, a friend of mine said he is sick of the whole "fish scene" and is giving me his 135 gallon. I don't see any reason why trigger should have a problem with that being his new home huh? Now to figure out how to make this 70 gallon that I have into a refuge for the 135 .. I was going to take it to that guy, but now... Anyone have any advise on it?


Active Member
Yea. I woulda pimp slaped him. Then told him everything you know. I love being a smart@$$ to LFS stores. (Thats another hobby) :hilarious :hilarious


Active Member
You can have a degree in marine biology and still be a crook.
Personally, he is probably a liar too.


Originally Posted by TriGa22
Yea. I woulda pimp slaped him. Then told him everything you know. I love being a smart@$$ to LFS stores. (Thats another hobby) :hilarious :hilarious


shark bait

Originally Posted by surfinusa

Hey surfinusa are they done with the construction on the row yet? I go up there every year and stay in the hotel next to bubba gump and get a two day pass. I went up last time just to see the great white. How awsome was that.
back to the topic, that LFS just wants the cash I would buy your fish here from now on and get you advice from a book and from here not someone in a sales job.


Neaners- I actually will agree with the owner of your local LFS on one thing: Go do your own research. 15 minutes with,, etc will show you that your niger will out grow your tank -very- quickly...probably less than a couple of months. Not to mention how stressed out he will be in the mean time. Another thing I consider: If he doesnt offer a warranty on live fish, this site does. Just an idea.


Originally Posted by shark bait
Hey surfinusa are they done with the construction on the row yet? I go up there every year and stay in the hotel next to bubba gump and get a two day pass. I went up last time just to see the great white. How awsome was that.

if your talking about the monterey bay aquarium, i havent been there in a while its stinks to live 30 minutes away from it and only go a handeful of times but i hope to go there for spring break
yes always research what you want before you buy it. i see many mislabeled fish and inverts in lfs. dont even bother asking anything other than what they are feeding the fish the fish you want, how long has it been there, questions like that.
I was at a lfs today and their niger triggers are listed as pacific queen triggers for 44.99!


New Member
well I do appreciate all of your candor. I know that you guys don't have anything to gain by blowing smoke... (not to mention if you tried, you would get called to the carpet by everyone else! LOL). I really am hoping that this 135 gallon will be a much more suitable home for trigger, as I have grown quite fond of him and of course would never want him to be unhappy (or DEAD for that matter!). I have to admit though, I am starting to question if going to such a large tank, with my very limited knowledge, is going to be the best thing for me or my pets. If indeed I should start where I am and work my way up, what will I do with trigger?


135 is no sweat. It is no difference than a small tank with regards to daily/weekly maintenance...only bigger parts. I say grab the 135 and keep ur niger- thats more than enough for him. Grab the big tank, and holler if you have any questions!


New Member
Originally Posted by Madwabbit
135 is no sweat. It is no difference than a small tank with regards to daily/weekly maintenance...only bigger parts. I say grab the 135 and keep ur niger- thats more than enough for him. Grab the big tank, and holler if you have any questions!

No difference in regards to maintenance? That damn aquarium guy was wanting me to do a 10 gallon water change on my 29 gallon tank every week! (which I always thought was kind of excessive.. but what the hell do I know? lol). Hopefully the 135 will be easier to maintain, but thanks and I am SURE you guys will be hearing from me soon! ha!
Thanks again guys ~


I actually tried .. he said that there is no returns on saltwater fish
u can always just leave the fish on the counter and walk out or just dumop him in a tank........ j/k don't do that .... only if the guy is a REAL jerk