Mating a pair of clowns? Hard to do?


I have a 46 gallon with a florida condi and 1 clarkki clown. The clown hosts this anenome and they get along great.... Like most do...LOL..
My question is this.. I want to get a second one... Can I just buy any clarkki clown? What I mean is there a way to --- them? Is it ok to say have two of either sexes? Male or female? As long as they are the same species clown(clarkki) they should be ok right?
Any suggestions?


Active Member
Do some research. If you are really interested in breeding clowns, there is a great book on the subject entitled "Clownfishes" by Joyce Wilkerson. Easy to read, only like $20 and contains tons of good info.
If you get a second one, make sure it is the same species and much smaller than your first. They will sort out male/female by themselves.


Thanks for the info.. I really don't have any interest in breeding them . Just wanted two for some more color.. Plus company? I just don't want to disturb my clowns habits though... Will they both get along with the anenome? Or will one dominate it?
Thanks again


Active Member

Originally posted by spankey
Thanks for the info.. I really don't have any interest in breeding them . Just wanted two for some more color.. Plus company? I just don't want to disturb my clowns habits though... Will they both get along with the anenome? Or will one dominate it?

Having two will be fine. They will both share the anemone but with one as the dominant female and the other as the male. IMO, clowns do better in pairs.
GO Illini!!!!! :cheer: