mating clowns


New Member
i have a mated pair of ocelaris clowns sorry bout the spelling but they laid some eggs and i was so happy i came home and she had eating all the eggs so i talked to mylfs and they said they were not fertile can some body tell me how to get them to spawn again maybe some wine and dine lol .


Active Member
Just keep them well fed and keep their environment stable. Don't go rearranging the rocks or corals too much around them, especially do not move the peice that they laid their eggs on. They will continue to spawn regularly.
If everything stays the same, they will do this regularly. I was able to set my watch by my clowns laying eggs. They started the same day and time each time. Are you sure the clowns ate the eggs. Other things in your tank will eat them as well. What else do you have in your tank that would possibly eat them?