Mature Nano?


Active Member
Will a 6g nano become mature any faster than a larger tank? Sounds silly but I'm thinking as small as the tank is that it shouldn't tank as long... :confused:


Active Member
Thanks tiffster, I really don't mean the cycle though. A good rule of thumb for larger tanks is 6 to 7 months before the tank is considered "mature"... Just wondering if that was the same on a small 6g tank.


"Mature tank" seems to be in the eye of the beholder. When I set up my 10 gal. I used everything out of a larger established tank. It still took about 3 months to completely cycle and now at 12 months it's just becoming what I would call mature. It is now consistantly stable, the corals are taking off and coraline algea is beginning to spread. Another thing to keep in mind is the inherent instability of small tanks. Because of this it almost seems to take them longer to mature than a larger one.


IMO after the cycle is over & the params have been consistant for a few weeks you should be good to go. I don't have a 'fuge on mine so that didn't help. One big mistake I made was putting three fish in the tank (two too many). I also had another tank to move stuff into when things went south.
Finally I set up a third tank so that I would leave the others alone. Amazing how well that works for me.
Patience is the key. Someday I may get some.