Maxi jet 900


Active Member
If I were only going to use 2, I would use the 1200's. They are only a few dollars more, are the exact same size and more heavy duty in watts giving you more power at less stress.


Active Member
The 900's put out only 65 gallons less an hour, run cooler, and only use 8 watts instead of 21 watts. I would go with the 900's. Plus at only 18 bucks each, three 900's will only cost 14 bucks more than 2 1200's and you will have more water flow from more areas in side the tank.


Good call Jlem - this tounges for you :p :D
Hope this helps
Maxi Jets Wattage:
600 = 7.5 watts per hour
900 = 8.5 watts per hour
1200 = 20 watts per hour!!!
Model V/Hz Consumption
(in watts)
Pumping Ht.
Manufacturer Suggested Retail Price*
l/h g/h meters inches
MP400 120/60 5 400 106 .73 29 $27.90
MP600 120/60 7.5 600 160 1.35 53 $32.85
MP900 120/60 8.5 870 230 1.17 46 $38.40
MP1200 120/60 20 1110 295 1.74 69 $42.85
But you can get them for much less :)


Active Member
I actually wish I could trade my 1200's for some 900's but I am to cheap to buy new ones until my 1200's die. I must admit it took me more than two minutes when I looked it up awhile back;) :D


Jlem - :D Keep it up and I'll sneak 2 more inches to your sand bed. If your anything like me you would freak about it ;) :D
Same boat as you I have 2 MJ 1200 and have been thinking about purchasing the 900's. I use one for mixing my saltwater and the other in the 90 upper right side after the modular spray bar. Just cleaned them a few days ago and the one in the main was strong enough to blow my sand bed around after that, the 1200 give great circulation, but I really like the wattage reduction there.


BTW I can get the MJ900's for 17.90 per without the shipping tag.


I asked myself the same question and went w/3 900's for my 55 and am very happy w/ outcome....I recommend the 900 for a 55 anything bigger (tank) I would use 1200's