Maxi Jet Upgrade help.


Ok so I have a maxi jet upgrade I'm trying to use on my maxi jet but it has way too much flow. Does anyone know how to modify the upgrade so it slows down the flow a little bit?? Thanks!


I placed mine in my rockwork to cut back the direct blast. This isn't really cutting back the flow but further diverting it and was helpful in my application.


I ended up using two MJ 400's in my 55 because anything larger was just too much flow. Even these two pumps put out a great deal of flow.


Active Member
Marquis117, box it up and ship it to me, I'll mod it for you and send it back with the proper flow dialed in.
OK, just kidding,
why do you freel it has too much flow? What size tank? What maxi mod is it?


Well I have a 75 gallon tank and when i first tried to use it like 2 months ago it was blowing the sand and some of my corals everywhere so I put it back as the regular setup. Well I had a sligt algae breakout and I believed it was because I didn't have enough flow. So yesterday I bought a new green Elegance coral and while I was dripping it I put the mod back together and turned it until I had it as good as it would get which was still a little much but I delt with it. Well when I put the elegance coral in It would not open because of all of the flow. So I was trying to figure out how to tone it down enough so the elegance would be happy and the algae will go away.


Active Member
In the wild on the reef the currents there are way more per square inch than what that maxijet mod is delivering. 1200 GPH in a 75 is good flow, thats merely 16x turnover,(IF it's the 1200 mod, less if not) so even with any additional you have you still are not getting "too much" flow IMO. Many people are running 50-60X turnover. On my 135 I run around 45-50 times and all my corals love it. They will adjust to the flow, just like they have adjusted already to slow flows.....
However if you fell the need to slow the flow, try wrapping some panty hose/filter sock around the housing.


Yea all of my other corals love it Just the Green elegance I just bought doesn't like all of the flow. I'll try the trick and let you know how it works. Thanks.


Active Member
The best way to aim the powerheads if you are having problems with the sand or corals is to place them in the back corners and aim it towards the middle of the front glass. That should disrupt the flow enough so that it doesnt blow everything around. Or place it in the middle of one side and aim it just slightly up towards the surface of the water. That will give you good surface agitation and also give you extra turbidity.
Also, the kit may have come with two impellar (if its the sure flow 1600 kit) and you can get less flow with the black impellar. If you have one of the other kits, then you dont have that option.