Maxi Jey vs Mag 5


New Member
I "need" a powerhead for 2 resons...
1 to fill my fishtank from the bucket
2 to keep a current going in the tank
Both the MaxiJet and a Mag 5 can perform the same functions correct? The mag 5 i saw online for almost $100m while I see maxi jets for under $20. Whats the difference?


Active Member
There are powerheads;

And there are water pumps;

Powerheads (aka circulation pumps) are designed to keep the movement of water up in the tank. They are not designed to be connected to anything, just create flow, 'current,' in the tank. Water pumps are designed to pump water from one area, to another, usually through pipes/tubes. For example, pump water from the sump back up to the display tank, from the sump to a skimmer etc. The Mag 5 is a water pump.
The Maxi-Jet is sort of a hybrid of both, but not really that good at either. Water pumps are usually expensive because they are much more rugged/durable then most powerheads. They suck in water from a limited area, and have to pump out the water in a limited area, at a rapid rate.
For your reasons,
1.) A Maxi-Jet could probably do this task, depending the length of tube you'd have to connect.
2.) You want a powerhead in your tank. How strong of powerhead (rated in gph) is determined by a couple factors, usually how big your tank is.