Maxima Clam


I just got a 96 watt coralife aqualight for my 10 gal today(7 gal of actual water). I was wondering if the 10-14 watts/gal would be enough to keep a maxima clam.


Active Member
it's not the watts that count it's the type of light.. i thi nk, clams need to be under metal halide, and maxima's i'm pretty sure need 250 watts


Active Member
I think you'll be ok with the maxima, just be sure to dose some DT's or some other type phytoplankton, most will say that you need halides for maxima's but I think you'll probably be ok with the PC's, you biggest challenge in such a small tank is going to be keeping parameters in check including keeping temp. stable without swings

nm reef

Active Member
There is much more to consider than "just" the regard to the lighting source its not really the watts but the spectrum & intensity that will determine if a clam can thrive. Plus there are serious water chemistry issues to be considered for clams. They prefer stable/mature systems with very stable water addition to proper lighting. I don't know that I'd try a maxima in your system...not simply based on your lighting anyway. Sorry...maybe others will support your choice...but personally I'd wait for a larger system...better lighting...and more experience with clams.:thinking:


alright i think that i'll stay away from clams then, but what about SPS coral, could i keep any of them or are those MH only aswell


i've had my 46 gal setup since october and it is doing great. No sps in it though cause they need such intense lighting. The 10 gal is about a month old and everything is looking great so i'm starting to look for corals, and i figured that since i have such strong light i might be able to keep some sps in it. Do they need the MH only or can the survive or thrive under non MH strong lighting?


Its not about watts per gal....Its about intense lighting. You can't get that from PC's....A 10 gal tank is no place to keep sps or clams, and a 1 month old tank is no place for any coral or fish.