Maxima CLAMS 4-Sale!!!


Active Member
I should put a little For Sale sign next to each on in the water.
Here's the deal. All these clams, were born right here in Colorado - I breed their parents. Each one is $42.00 and then whatever shipping is to you from 80920. One clam weighs 1 pound 10 ounces about (plastic liners, bagging, etc.), two of them will be about 2 pounds 4 ounces. It usually runs 30-35 dollars for one clam and then another 5-6 bucks per clam from what I have seen.
Some of them have little sand grains on them and the white lines are just from the light above. They hiccup a lot because I feed them a lot. Check out lucky #13. That is my favorite just cause it's shaped like a little round ball, LOL. Some of them are just irritated because I took the pictures also. It's like waving your hand over the tank only with a camera.
I supply the hot or cold pack, pure-ox, box, packaging, liners, bags - the clams just need a good well lit home. I will put FULL insurance on the clams.
You can PM me or email me at cfrecf @ yahoo . com if you have any questions about the clams.
Clams #1, #2, #3, #4, #5 I also have a derasa hanging around from last time and some of these clams were on the last post.



Active Member
Thought that I would add that no clam is sold until I actually pull the clam and number, or start a list of which ones have been sold. Just so people know.


Active Member
CC is mean! I ended up ordering another Crocea and I already have one from the other week and a Maxima is coming too.


Active Member
Originally Posted by dplantz
You just have to waft these clams under my nose when I still saving for my new tank :p
LOL. I always have like hundreds around. I only sell the ones that have been in the display tank and that have been eating, have shown byssal strands, and that have reached over a certain size. I also have NEVER seen a parasite on any of these clams - ever. Just email me when you're ready. Clams vary in size a great deal even from the same "crop".


Active Member
Originally Posted by SpiderWoman
CC is mean! I ended up ordering another Crocea and I already have one from the other week and a Maxima is coming too.
LOL, sorry. It was good to see that crocea trying to climb the rock in your tank though. I was pretty amazed at that. Your maxima and other crocea will hopefully leave tomorrow.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ifirefight
What is the average size of these clams? (i mean now...not full grown)
2-3 inches. They are pretty decent size. Well with the exception of that little chubby one that looks like a box, LOL. That one's like 2 inches long and 2 inches wide, (#13).


Man I cant wait to get my new tank. I scored an awsome deal on a 24g nano HQI top, so now I just need to order the tank only (for around $100) an im set. Looks like Ill be getting those clams earlier that expected. Propabley some time in July though. BTW what clams are your favorite? I can't decide between Maxima, Crocea, or Squamosa, they all look amazing. Too bad I can't have a Blue Squamosa like Viper

O well, got any pics of a Crocea with like gold on the mantle, I think I like those

Man everyone says don't grow up too fast cause you only a kid once but being young and poor sucks .
But for now


Active Member
The crocea list is floating around the live selling and trading section somewhere.
I would have to say that I like Squamosas best with Maximas a very close second to them. Just because when I first started keeping clams, Squamosas were my first two.


Active Member
Bumpin for the maximas for sale. I still have
1, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14, 15 left. And then all the Croceas and a Derasa from the other posts.


Active Member
Just got some new shipping supplies in and all the clams are ready 2 go. Anyone who is still inerested (or just interested) the contact information is above. I still have the Croceas (all but one) and 1 of the 3 Derasas left too.