Maximum for 10gal


New Member
I just finished cycyling my 10gal nano a few weeks ago and was
thinking about what to stock it with. Does anyboyd have any
recommendations for maximum amount of fish, corals, and inverts? I really like the inverts for some reason. Thanks.


If you're going with corals I would start out with one fish. In a few months you could try 2. I tried 3 but couldn't keep the water quality good enough for the corals. Also try to get fish that will eat the same thing your corals do. Try not to get a fish with too specific a diet, for instance a LM blennie or a scooter would not be good choices. There may also be territory issues with some fish in a ten.
Good Luck!


I have heard a perc. clown is a great starter fish. I dont know, maybe you could look into it. Post pics once you get it goin:)


Active Member
Go with 1 small fish then add a second small fish after a month or so. Keep up the water changes. I do 1 a week if not more on my 7 gallon minibow...


i wouldnt put dwarf angels in with corals:D . IMO start with some like a small PJ cardinal(its what i started with) the dont grow very fast and live on spectrum(they love the stuff) but they eat pretty much anything. or i would go with a REEF SAFE wrasse(long finned fairy wrasse was my second fish choice). not only a beautiful fish, but easy to care for. mine east spectrum and frozen mysis shrimp. as for corals, as many as you want until theres no more room;) . inverts maybe start with a cleaner shrimp and some hermits and snails. good luck


Active Member
I would stick with very small fish - a clown is hardy and a godo choice - some of hte smaller gobies as well - Citron/Green Barred or Clown gobies. Neon Gobies .... or just some damsels ...
Pygmy Angel?? :eek: they get to be 4 inches long - not a whole of space for them in a 10 gallon tank ....
Long-finned Fairy/Flasher Wrasse?? :eek: :eek: They get to be 3 inches long but they are definte jumpers .... still not a whole lot of space .... maybe as the only fish in a 10 gallon .... but that would still be pretty cruel ....


i guess i got lucky, mine doesnt seem to wanna jump. i have him in there with a pj cardinal. both are sall hardy and easy to care for. ovranalyzer, wrasses dont grow very fast. almost every fish will grow to be 3 inches. as long s there is swimming space and places to hide you should have no trouble keeping wrasses. maybe a six line wrasse would be better. colorful and a great helper in eliminating bristle worms. court jester gobies are awsome too, and so are orange striped gobies.



Originally posted by overanalyzer
I would stick with very small fish - a clown is hardy and a godo choice - some of hte smaller gobies as well - Citron/Green Barred or Clown gobies. Neon Gobies .... or just some damsels ...
Pygmy Angel?? :eek: they get to be 4 inches long - not a whole of space for them in a 10 gallon tank ....
Long-finned Fairy/Flasher Wrasse?? :eek: :eek: They get to be 3 inches long but they are definte jumpers .... still not a whole lot of space .... maybe as the only fish in a 10 gallon .... but that would still be pretty cruel ....

Sorry I did not know they got that big, all i have ever seen is 1in and under, how about a neon gobie?


Active Member

Originally posted by magic
Sorry I did not know they got that big, all i have ever seen is 1in and under, how about a neon gobie?

I prefer the clown gobies but both stay small!