Maximum Tank Height

fish head

What is the maximum allowable aquarium height for a reef tank? Has anyone seen a tank 40+ inches heigh?


Not sure what your asking here, do you mean for lighting to penetrate?
If you need scuba diving gear, its too deep, at least for the home aquarium.
If you have enough lighting you can do most anything, just look at all those big city aquariums like Sheps.


Active Member
I think he may be reffering to how tall the stand can be......maybe.
If so, yes you can have a stand 40+ inches tall. We build some at work that are 48" high.......just have to make sure that you make them a little wider so they don't fall over if bumped.


the maximum height of the aquariu7m is proportional to the thickness of the material that it is constructed from.. i don't know the numbers offhand, but as you get taller, the thickness of the walls must increase. you can look at a number of custom acrylic and glass tank manufacturers and see what kind of dimensions you can get with what thickness.
also keep in mind, that unless you have access from the top, that is, you can stand along the top or side of the tank, such as in steveweast's case, you will have difficulty reaching the middle and bottom of the tank if it is anything deeper than the length of your arm, and no taller at the lip than your armpit.