Maybe and ID please =)


So I was looking around on my new marshall islands LR today, and I came across something a bit strange.

I tried to clear up the pics as best as I can, but this is the best I got (even was shooting on a tripod). I think for a Nikon D80, I am a bit disappointed....or maybe that's why they want $800 for a fixed macro lens
Anyway, I am wondering if it's some type of rock anenome. It's bright white, about the size of a kernal of popcorn. At first it almost looked like a paly or zoa with the more clear defined disk look to it. As I am no expert, I thought perhaps I would go to the boards an see if someone had ever seen something like it before. Thanks all


Active Member
Looks more like a bleached paly than an anemone to me. Probably lost it's colour in the curing bins at the LFS
If you poke it does it roll up into a nub or retreat into a crack?


Well, I just poked it. and it rolled it's disk up, much like the other palys I have. Didn't retreat in a crack or crack or crevice to retreat into. Well, perhaps we'll see how it looks if it survives