maybe need help????

i would like to know if a Porcupine Puffer is good with other fish ??? i have a yellow tang and they get along great but i have 4 clown fish it seem the clowns dont like the Porcupine Puffer????
so would it be ok in my tank


Active Member
I had a porc puffer in my tank w/ 2 perc clowns and no problems. They all minded their own business. Then again, maybe I was lucky.


Active Member
porc's are definetly meant for aggressive tanks but they aren't necessarily aggressive towards other fish; they're just aggressive feeders. as long as the other fish being kept with the porc are active you shouldn't have any problems, provided that they're close to being the same size. if they like to play dead then you might wanna separate them, or else they might loose their eyes.