Mayweather vs De la Hoya


Active Member
I am going with De la Hoya, just because I feel that he needs the win more. He may be aging, but I think Mayweather will come in cocky and Oscar will take advantage of the situation.


Active Member
As much as I would like to pick DeLaHoya, cause I dislike Mayweather.....I must say, Mayweather is THAT D-A-M-N I think I am saying the "villian" a drunken stooper, I think I bet 20 on Mayweather.....and yes I am watching it. I watch all the big fights...And fortunately enough here in Kansas City, we have two casinos that show the PPV fights for free.....


Originally Posted by maelv
As much as I would like to pick DeLaHoya, cause I dislike Mayweather.....I must say, Mayweather is THAT D-A-M-N I think I am saying the "villian" a drunken stooper, I think I bet 20 on Mayweather.....and yes I am watching it. I watch all the big fights...And fortunately enough here in Kansas City, we have two casinos that show the PPV fights for free.....
Lucky...i gotta pay 54.95 plus tax for this fight on cable....


Active Member
Oh damn this thread.
I keep going back and fourth on this damn fight. I am naturally biased and a "Goldenboy" fan from way back. I hate myself for actually typing these words but He is over the hill. His prime was 15lbs lighter and 10 years younger in the lighter class. He was so agressive at moving classes it killed his record IMO
I do think he has the advantage of experience for going the distance and he will always be the superior science fighter. Mayweather is hot for sure, but I dont put too much stock in asthetics. I would have loved to see this fight 8 years ago with both fighters 10lbs lighter where they should be.
Mayweather is fighting a bit heavier then he SHOULD be fighting but hes a few years younger. He is hungry for a big name before he too goes into the history books as never having a true challanger. I think he is using the De La Hoya name as a trophy, cheap price too. Del- should have stayed retired......
I will ALWAYS have my money on the GoldenBoy.. I got the tickets in my wallet to prove it. If he does pull it off, then lets hope he does it in under 11.5 rounds. I Will be VERY VERY happy.
1000.00 pays 8860.00 if he can do it in under 11.5 rounds.
Many know I am a fight fan. I was talking to the wife back when this fight was slated and a buddy and I were going to go and see it. With the price so rediculous we decided to put the money on the fight and watch locally so if we lose our money its OK........ we saw the fight and were really into it in all details. IF we WIN, well then hell yeah its beter to have the cash in hand then the ticketstub on the desk.
So in a nutshell I do think Mayweather is a great fighter. I still think the Goldenboy can do it one last time. Total underdog but I just feel better having the stub say De La Hoya 11.5 and LOSING in front of my friends rather than winning some money and turnin my back on one of greats.....
I think Mayweather has it for youth, strength and speed. But exp, stamina and science its all Oscar. I am betting a suckers bet but I just love the guy and like I said, Im bias...
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE whoop his tail GoldenBoy!!!!!!!!!! *kisses sportsbook ticket*

tx reef

Active Member
I didn't order the PPV...would someone who did please post the results when the fight is over?


WOOT!!!! im 100$ richer! mayweather was winnner by the cards but even though i favored for him he did piss me off. through out all the rounds he kept running away like a lil wimp which made de la hoya miss his shots and hit his shoulder. plus what was up with the sombrero??? totally disrespectful and to double it up it is cinco de mayo.


Oscar held his own through 12 and didn't get knocked out. I figured mayweather for the win, but i'm glad de la hoya didn't get knocked out. It tells you something for sure. He's still got some in him.


Active Member
I covered my losses with some hedge bets but no big payday :(
More than I can say for some of my friends.......OUCH!!
Was a crap fight. Hoya had the science and Mayweather had the speed. Oscar controlled the fight but in my opinion played it stupid like an amatuer and lost almost every round in my book. Both seemd to have a little too much respect for one another and seemed to buy into the fight like it was a Heavyweight bout. Too much "respectable distance" for thier weightlass IMO
Rematch is sure to come with such a crap play by play. Neither one can say with confidence they outboxed the other. They both walked away completly unscathed and behaved themselves during the fight. But wasnt this supposed to be "THE FIGHT" was a sparing match..........dissapointing............


Active Member
No....I think like ReeForBrains said it was more of a sparring match. Mayweather will not retire. He is young, and his pride will not let him retire. He will HOWEVER not fight at that weight again. I think he realized that he could not dominate at that weight as he has in all others. It seemed at time that (although DeLaHoya did not hurt him) that he was a little surprised at how he couldn't land and outpower like he normally does. I believe that Oscar proved to be a little quicker and stronger and able to withstand the punishment Mayweather is used to dealing out. Mayweather will not retire...he will take a break and go back down in weight because at this weight......A Ricky Hatton or a STONGER Miguel Cotto will tear him story and I am sticking to it! Good you didn't lose out Reef...LOL...I on the other hand wanting for Oscar to knock him out ended up winning 20 bucks on someoen making me take Mayweather.
As much as I dont like his attitude just give Mayweather his props. He is one of the greateset boxers this generation has ever seen. Very efficient, amazing boxing ability. His dont get hit gameplan was executed to a T. Very arrogant but definatley the better skills between the two.
IMO he will absolutely not retire he is to competitive. Someone will challenge him and it will be on again. Hatton might have a shot but Cottto would get dominated by Mayweather.