McCain the overly agressive, socially awkward 3rd grader...

After watching old John boy go on the offensive for the 283,836th time in the past two weeks, it sort of struck me that John McCain is that overly aggressive, socially awkward kid in elementary school who resorted to name calling when all else failed.
You know times are desperate when you have to bash the other guy because your own rhetoric and policy has left a sour taste in the mouths of not just your opposition, but your own party as well.
Look, McCain has an uphill battle, there is no doubt about that. He is too closely tied to Bush to ever have had a chance to get off to an "even" start against Obama. I'll concede that.
The thing that is irritating, is that his POLICY (you know, the thing you base your decisions and direction on) seems to have put him in the position to where he now has no choice BUT to attack.
If McCain is such a wise, prudent, intelligent leader... shouldn't he be able to rally his party around his IDEA'S, as opposed to having to resort to names like Ayers, Wright, Marx, etc?
It's like if I walked into home depot looking for an appliance and was approached by two salesmen.
The first guys tells me all about the stove, why it works, what I can do to improve its performance, and how to make sure I get the most out of it over the long haul.
The next guy just says "Yeah, it's a pretty good stove, should do the trick". When I ask him "That's it?", he just seems to get irritated and then tells me "Well that other guy used to smoke pot and hang out with some crazy guy back in high school!"
Does it really matter? As long as I get all the information I need, advice that's gonna work, and a positive experience... I could care less who his friends are.
If any of you think Ayers, Wright, Marx have any substantial bearing on how Obama will run this country, then it might be time you see one of those special head doctors...
I just hope to God that you aren't all actually this paranoid, because that's scary if so...


Active Member
Originally Posted by TheClemsonKid
After watching old John boy go on the offensive for the 283,836th time in the past two weeks, it sort of struck me that John McCain is that overly aggressive, socially awkward kid in elementary school who resorted to name calling when all else failed.
You know times are desperate when you have to bash the other guy because your own rhetoric and policy has left a sour taste in the mouths of not just your opposition, but your own party as well.
Look, McCain has an uphill battle, there is no doubt about that. He is too closely tied to Bush to ever have had a chance to get off to an "even" start against Obama. I'll concede that.
The thing that is irritating, is that his POLICY (you know, the thing you base your decisions and direction on) seems to have put him in the position to where he now has no choice BUT to attack.
If McCain is such a wise, prudent, intelligent leader... shouldn't he be able to rally his party around his IDEA'S, as opposed to having to resort to names like Ayers, Wright, Marx, etc?
It's like if I walked into home depot looking for an appliance and was approached by two salesmen.
The first guys tells me all about the stove, why it works, what I can do to improve its performance, and how to make sure I get the most out of it over the long haul.
The next guy just says "Yeah, it's a pretty good stove, should do the trick". When I ask him "That's it?", he just seems to get irritated and then tells me "Well that other guy used to smoke pot and hang out with some crazy guy back in high school!"
Does it really matter? As long as I get all the information I need, advice that's gonna work, and a positive experience... I could care less who his friends are.
If any of you think Ayers, Wright, Marx have any substantial bearing on how Obama will run this country, then it might be time you see one of those special head doctors...
I just hope to God that you aren't all actually this paranoid, because that's scary if so...
God I wish I was still young, idealistic, and numb.
I'm not bored at all.
I just want an answer as to why you McCain supporters seem to ignore the fact that HIS POLICY IS WHAT HAS FORCED HIM TO ATTACK.
I would be extremely disappointed in tomorrow Obama started attacking McCain's past because he had nothing left to say about his own policy.
Please explain why you don't find McCain's current tactics distasteful at best, and downright desperate at worst...


Staff member
I think the home depot salesperson doesn't really compare to the person who will run the country. The worst thing that will happen with a bad salesperson is that you get a lemon stove, and shafted out of a few hundred bucks....not so with a president. The company that Obama keeps is of concern to all Americans, and should be. His political and social views are also of concern to all Americans. Just because the media tries to tell you it doesn't matter, doesn't make it so. We should take in all the facts and weight everything carefully in making a voting choice, especially when the stakes are so high as they are now.
That said, I tend to agree that McCain's personality, at least as has been presented so far, leaves much to be desired. His sneering and sarcasm is getting on my nerves. He should watch some old Reagan vids, someone who knew how slam his opponent with wit and grace and without sounding like a cranky old coot.


Active Member
Originally Posted by TheClemsonKid
I'm not bored at all.
I just want an answer as to why you McCain supporters seem to ignore the fact that HIS POLICY IS WHAT HAS FORCED HIM TO ATTACK.
I would be extremely disappointed in tomorrow Obama started attacking McCain's past because he had nothing left to say about his own policy.
Please explain why you don't find McCain's current tactics distasteful at best, and downright desperate at worst...

McCain has a fairly noble past. Trust me...if Obama and crew could find some dirt, it would be on CNN 24/7.


Active Member
Originally Posted by GrouperGenius
McCain has a fairly noble past. Trust me...if Obama and crew could find some dirt, it would be on CNN 24/7.
They don't need to find dirt on McCain and trust me, if they wanted to, it wouldn't be that hard.


Active Member
You are still yet to post anything exciting Clemson, like Grouper said, you're just idealistic and young, and looking to start a fight. McCain is by far the most "decent" person of a presidential candidate we have had in a long time. McCain IMO truly just wants to serve his country and that has been his motivation his entire career from the POW camp to the U.S. Senate, Bush/Clinton/Bush/Obama are just shady, ego maniacal politicians.


Active Member
Originally Posted by kjr_trig
You are still yet to post anything exciting Clemson, like Grouper said, you're just idealistic and young, and looking to start a fight. McCain is by far the most "decent" person of a presidential candidate we have had in a long time. McCain IMO truly just wants to serve his country and that has been his motivation his entire career from the POW camp to the U.S. Senate, Bush/Clinton/Bush/Obama are just shady, ego maniacal politicians.
Have you not been watching the same debates as the rest of us? Did you watch the debate on the split screen where they were showing both candidates? There is no way in the world you can seriously say he acts like a decent person and much of what I have read indicates that many people feel the same way and they don't see him as presidental.
Side note, I did appreciate that when he shook Obama's hand at the end of the last debate he said good job 4-5 times...probably more of an indication he knew he had his backside handed to him. Even the poll on Fox news had Obama as the winner.


Active Member
Originally Posted by TheClemsonKid
After watching old John boy go on the offensive for the 283,836th time in the past two weeks, it sort of struck me that John McCain is that overly aggressive, socially awkward kid in elementary school who resorted to name calling when all else failed.

Originally Posted by TheClemsonKid

I just want an answer as to why you McCain supporters seem to ignore the fact that HIS POLICY IS WHAT HAS FORCED HIM TO ATTACK.

Please tell me your really much more educated than you appear.
The left started with the attacks before the primaries even started. They were attacking thier own side, trying their best to prop hillary to the top in hopes she would get the nomination over obama. after hillary crashed and burned, they turned their attacks to the right to prop up obama to beat mccain. not so surprisingly, the bitterness that hillary was casting off not only when she lost the nomination, but also was not named obama's vp was quickly and quietly buried and/or not reported by the mainstream media to show that "this is a party of solidarity", when really, they are a party of self-loathing and constant internal bickering.
turn off cnn and put on fox news... even for just a week. you'll really learn a lot. i mean alot. stop drinking the kool-aid that they are force feeding you.
seriously. you seem to be a decent person on this board, but your ignorance cannot be cast aside.


Active Member
Originally Posted by COWFISHRULE
Please tell me your really much more educated than you appear.
The left started with the attacks before the primaries even started. They were attacking thier own side, trying their best to prop hillary to the top in hopes she would get the nomination over obama. after hillary crashed and burned, they turned their attacks to the right to prop up obama to beat mccain. not so surprisingly, the bitterness that hillary was casting off not only when she lost the nomination, but also was not named obama's vp was quickly and quietly buried and/or not reported by the mainstream media to show that "this is a party of solidarity", when really, they are a party of self-loathing and constant internal bickering.
turn off cnn and put on fox news... even for just a week. you'll really learn a lot. i mean alot. stop drinking the kool-aid that they are force feeding you.
seriously. you seem to be a decent person on this board, but your ignorance cannot be cast aside.
i couldnt have said it any better myself!!!

here is a treat...


Active Member
Originally Posted by COWFISHRULE
Please tell me your really much more educated than you appear.
The left started with the attacks before the primaries even started. They were attacking thier own side, trying their best to prop hillary to the top in hopes she would get the nomination over obama. after hillary crashed and burned, they turned their attacks to the right to prop up obama to beat mccain. not so surprisingly, the bitterness that hillary was casting off not only when she lost the nomination, but also was not named obama's vp was quickly and quietly buried and/or not reported by the mainstream media to show that "this is a party of solidarity", when really, they are a party of self-loathing and constant internal bickering.
turn off cnn and put on fox news... even for just a week. you'll really learn a lot. i mean alot. stop drinking the kool-aid that they are force feeding you.
seriously. you seem to be a decent person on this board, but your ignorance cannot be cast aside.
Well put CFR, and just to add a little something. Most Republicans really didn't/don't want McCain on the ticket. McCain was pushed mostly by the media. The same media that has been poisoning so many minds with that same juice. (Actually it was Flavor-Aid but everybody goes with Kool-Aid.)


Active Member
His policy is what forced him to attack? what policy, last i checked they both have more than A policy? really vague man
I guess being young, I maybe don't quite grasp the whole Republican ideology...
First of all let me say that I'm all for less government and everyone making their own money to the best of their abilities. In fact, in a perfect world, this would seem to make sense.
The trouble with that, and capitalism in general, is that you will ALWAYS have a upper, middle, and lower class.
If there WAS no lower class, then the Republican ideas are great. And I for one, would be happy to support them...
But the reality is, that poor, uneducated people will ALWAYS be here.
So how can you just cast them aside through political policy?
Let's assume that you took away food stamps, WIC, welfare, and all the other current social programs. Just took everyone who couldn't do it on their own, and basically but them on the streets. What do you think would happen to this country?
You want to talk about a bad idea.
I guess I can see the republican point of view, that if you took it away, then they would have to work, work, work to make a living without having a social "crutch" to lean on.
Maybe in your opinion that would force people to work.
I personally think that would start a class war. I think crimes would increase, I think violence would increase even more, and I think you would have a socioeconomic divide like this country has never seen before.
Given enough time, I think the classes would separate and you would almost have two different societies.
Now maybe I am wrong, and cutting out social programs could be a good thing. But I'm guessing we are somewhat past the point of being able to experiment without causing a lot more harm than good.
Again, I admit I'm only 27, and haven't been around the block long enough to really know one way or another. Just one mans personal opinion...


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jmick
Have you not been watching the same debates as the rest of us? Did you watch the debate on the split screen where they were showing both candidates? There is no way in the world you can seriously say he acts like a decent person and much of what I have read indicates that many people feel the same way and they don't see him as presidental.
This makes him not a decent person??? Whom do you consider decent then? The wife cheater Bill Clinton. Is that Presidential to you? I'm a Republican through and through, but I think GW is far from Presidential and pretty much a horrible excuse for President. I find McCain very Presidential despite not being an "eloquent" speaker all the time.
I don't trust Obama, he is a "politician" through and through.


Active Member
You cant simply pull the rug out from under people. All those programs you mention cant go away but we sure don't need to be expanding them either.
I am not a Republican but I do support Republican principles.
Government from the ground up meaning you do for yourself first. Then local, state and finally federal government government steps in where appropriate. It's not anti government like the Libertarian Party, it's anti big government.


Active Member
Originally Posted by TheClemsonKid
I guess being young, I maybe don't quite grasp the whole Republican ideology...
First of all let me say that I'm all for less government and everyone making their own money to the best of their abilities. In fact, in a perfect world, this would seem to make sense.
that is the republican ideology...
repubs= more personal responsibility, less govt
dems= more govt, more "govt will take care of you, less personal responsibility"


Active Member
Like I said in another misguided Obama thread , it cost 80 million dollars to "secure" Obama's house here in reported on channel 7 news here in Chicago. He got this house with the help of a convicted felon , Tony Rezko. He also got hundreds of thousands of dollars from Mr.Rezko who was convicted of many crimes including extortion involving "collecting" money for Obama and other politicians ( AKA campaign contrabutions). These are all facts , so please don't way! Here in Obamas home town we hear all about it. So before you poke fun at a true American hero like John McCain do your home work JR.
Undeniable connections with felons , record setting spending at every level of his political career , and a true 3rd grader mentality on foreign affairs. You Obama supporters are in for a fun 4yrs. I think he will win , so I will check back with you in a year or so and see how you feel when you realize he won because he bought it! and by the way his "policies" will not benefit "the average Joe...or frank...or Sally.


Active Member
i can totally understand why folks like obama. he's a great speaker, he's young, and he comes across as your average joe. he's almost a modern times kennedy in terms of personality.
but democrats of old were a much different breed then they are today. the mainstream media hides many of his flaws and his ulterior (or alterior) motives. this is why he comes across as "the one", when in reality, its simply the blanket over your eyes.
it has nothing to do with being young. 27 is not young, in terms of voting demographics. it just has to do with reading between the lines, and know when you are being yanked.
you wouldnt buy something for your tank or purchase livestock of some sort without doing extensive research beyond the manufacturer of the products website. no, you really dig around, other forums, other places with review.
the same should go for your candidate.