Mckevin's 12 Gallon Modified NanoCube


Just picked up my girlfriends New Tank. Picked it up from Craigs List. It's the original version not the DLX
What it came with
- 12 gallon nanocube
- Red/Black Stand
- Modified 70 watt MH w/50/50 24watt PC's
- Upgraded fans for better cooling
- Submersible Heater
- No Return Pump
What i plan to do
- Put a Rio900 for the return or a MJ1000
- Repaint the Stand Semi-Gloss Black
- add in a Kor. Nano powerhead
- scrape the paint off of chamber 2 and attach my mini PC fixture
- make egg create like "Whisk" with some Cheato & LR for Chamber 2
- replace heater with stealth heater
- create foam wall w/Foam/Resin/Crushed Coral
- Add moon light mod
Tank Setup

**Chamber 1**
- Filter pad
- Chemi Pure
- Purigen
**Chamber 2**
- egg crate
- Cheato
- Live Rock
- Mini PC
**Chamber 3 **
- Heater
- Carbon
- Rio900 or MJ1000 Return Pump
- Replace return nozzle w/Hydor Deflector Nozzle
- Add Kor. Nano PH
- Foam/LR Wall
I plan to set the mini PC light for chamber 2 on a timer to run at night when the DT lights are off. I want to get a chiller for this tank but not quite sure yet.

1. how would i go about adding moonlight to this setup?





I see dirty socks...boy one would think I have an obsession with dirty socks...first Nissans now these!!
Sorry McKevin, not very productive...anyway..I saw that the two doctor's have a neat led package where you can add addt'l lights as you progress. They come with their own power supply, so that might be your answer to moonlights. If you can't find them PM me and I will get you a link.
HTH and pick up those socks!!


i dotn think the live rock in chamber 2 is a good idea but i would get a second opinion.. it catches detritus.
nano tuners offers a moon light setup.. you might want to check them out.. they dont like us positng links here.. congrats and cool setup./


I'd keep the live rock. You have that filter pad to catch detritus, just clean it out once a week.
I'd think about switching that 50/50 with an actinic, you'll get better color. Also if you can afford it go with the chiller, you'll need it with that MH that close to the water.
As for the moonlights there would be a few options depending on how handy you are. You could mod the hood more and add the led's (I'm not sure how or where but its been done). Or you can pick up those that attach to the outside and have loc line looking things. I saw a BC once with two on each side, they looked like motorcycle mirrors.


Active Member
id keep the LR as well. get some chaeto in that chamber to worry about your detritus problem. as far as the moon light goes, nano tuners all the way. if not DIY! cant be too hard, you have alot of room in that hood. personally id go with nanotuners bc im a sucker for spending money, but you can get a moonlight fixture off of the bay for like 15-25 bucks with shipping, if not less, prop open your splash guard, mount it, make a hole with a 1/8" drill bit for wiring and bam you have your DIY moonlight! tank looks good and you have really great plans! good luck! id be careful with the oddysea PC fixture i had bad luck with that knock off .02