Mean bicolor


New Member
We just purhcased a bicolor benny this afternoon. A couple hours after acclimation he started attacking the other fish. He kicked our neon goby out of his rock and attacks him when he comes near it. Our clown fish has also gotten into it with him, but the blenny initiated it. Will this behavior continue?


Active Member
With the neon most likely yes. The clown can hold his own. The bicolor is just establishing territory. They like to hide in "their" spot so you wont see him much. How big is the tank? If its less than 20 then your neon may be killed.....


New Member
It's a 30 gallon with 30 to 35 lbs. of live rock. We have the biggest neon goby we've ever seen. The Blenny seems to be going out of his way to nip at the other fish.


Active Member
The neon? Its most likely because the neon is similarly shaped. If you just got the blenny then he's just establishing territory. Your tank IS big enough to support the two. Some bickering may occur. BUT what you must watch for are torn fins and cuts on the sides. Then you know things are in the war state. What you could try is to move the rock around that the blenny likes and put it in a corner that way leaving the whole tank open to the neon to swim. Rather than the blenny home in the middle of the tank.


New Member
Thanks bdhough,
The rock is in the corner already so he probably is just establishing territory. Now the Blenny is even shoving the red-leg crabs off the rock. Hopefully he'll calm down, there is not much else I guess I can do.


Active Member
HAHHA. At least he isn't descriminating. Ya book i have says they may pick on gobies or anything even remotely similar. Just keep an eye on the goby. Make sure the blenny eats. You may want to buy some sheets of algae to leave in the tank for him to eat. They love algae. Buy a clip for the algae to hang on the side of the tank. Ask at the fish store they should know.


New Member
We are one step ahead of you bdhough. We have a clip and algee sheets and are putting them in the tank as we speak. We will also keep a close eye on the goby. Thanks for the helpful advice.


Active Member
Hi, I just got a bicolor blenny two days ago.....I named him Bennie. Right now he is in a quarenteen tank with his own 17 lb. live rock. I love the way he backs into the holes in the rock tail first. He is so cute the way he watches us. I would just make sure you have enough rocks with caves and holes to hide in so yours can have a few to call his own. I think they need their own rock with their own few little holes to be happy......Just like we want our own house with rooms that we don't have to share with the neighbors. Lesley