mean chromis


Active Member
I have a standard blue green chromis. He is pretty big and has decided to guard the algae clip from my tangs and all other fish. If they come close he will run them off.
I have a total of 5 2 big 3 small. So I bought him a big friend to mix up the bunch and will buy another one next week. Store was out.


Originally Posted by FISHY7
I have a standard blue green chromis. He is pretty big and has decided to guard the algae clip from my tangs and all other fish. If they come close he will run them off.
I have a total of 5 2 big 3 small. So I bought him a big friend to mix up the bunch and will buy another one next week. Store was out.
Are you continuing to add CHROMIS? Knowing that they are terriorial? What sized tank is this?


Originally Posted by FISHY7
Thought they were just a peaceful schooling fish. 215
Your tank is a 215? Then yes, you can have them school in groups of six or more. Being that some are larger, you may want to go for 7 or 8 in case the larger ones decide to school by themselves. Chromis seem peacefull, but they are damsels. They have a heirarchy system. The weakest or smallest are the first to go if the school is too small. That is why I am concerned that some are big and some are little.


Originally Posted by azfishgal
So if you purchase a school of Chromis, 7-8, it's best to make sure they are all the same size?


Active Member
Thanks for the advice.
I moved the clip next to my mated pair of GSM's
which they do not tolerate the chromis. The good news is my pair do not mind the tangs.


Active Member
Originally Posted by FISHY7
Thanks for the advice.
I moved the clip next to my mated pair of GSM's
which they do not tolerate the chromis. The good news is my pair do not mind the tangs.

Nothing to do with the topic; but if you like schooling fish (I think they really add a lot to a big tank), a trio of anthias might thrive in your tank.


Active Member
Anthias technically aren't schooling fish, they're harum breeders. They should be kept in a ratio of at least 2 females to every male, or females only.


Active Member
Originally Posted by xDave
Anthias technically aren't schooling fish, they're harum breeders. They should be kept in a ratio of at least 2 females to every male, or females only.
Right, I guess I assume too much. Trio's (1M & 2F) of most anthias stay together, most of the time.