Mean Domino Damsel..


I have a 55 gal. Used to have a sri lankan clown (largest one in the tank), a couple of green chromi, a pijama cardinal, some crabs and shrimps.. last week i added a domino damsel, mainly because i had one before and liked how active he was.. always swimming in and out of the lr..
well, for the first five minutes after i added the domino, the clown (which is MUCH larger chased the domino around the tank) after, it was the damsel that started harassing everyone..
the domino isolated the chromi and the cardinals.. now a week later the 2 chromis and the cardinal are dead.. all that it left in the tank is the clown and the domino, and of course the shrimp...
are there any fish that i can add that will stand up to the domino? how about a large tomato clown? or even a snow flake or blue damsel?
i like my domino, but his nature is too aggressive.. not his fault that is just who he is.. still would like to add some more fish that he will tolerate..

madd catt

They are pretty mean i had one that would come right to the front glass and turn down while moving his spiny dorsel fin up at me, very agressive fish and he was the small 1 as far as other fish to put in the tank with him a lawnmower blennie may work.


Active Member
A tomato will definately not take any crap off that domino. Mine is THE king of the tank. I'd get that domino out. It'll be difficult, but I'd still yank him.


New Member
I had the same problem a few weeks ago. He had killed two other damsels and was working on a third. I took him back to the LFS and now everybody is happy and healed. I found some research studies on an internet search that showed the dominos are exponentionally more aggressive than the other damsel types.


Mine is also very aggressive and getting large too! Been thinking of giving him to someone that wants to start a new tank and doesn't seem to mind the aggression. (At least, not for long! :D )


Active Member
Hi, We also had one, we bought him when he was the size of a dime, sadly we lost a dogface puffer and it killed all in his tank, including "Dom", when he died he was the size of the palm of my hand. We had him for 2 years, often thought about getting rid of him, just could never bring ourselves to it. We kept ours in with Clarkii clowns, they held there own with him, before we moved him to our aggrisive tank. (moved him because he was giving some of the smaller fish a hard time) Good luck with him, they are cool fish....Lisa


thought about taking him back.. but just couldn't do it.. besides, returning him won't bring my chromis and cardinal back..
so i am think of adding a large tomato clown next month..
would like to make the tank into a semi aggressive tank, would love to add a trigger for example.. but don't want to lose my big cleaner shrimp too..