Mean green guy.


Active Member
I am so upset, I just bought two jaw fish the other day, and they were so cute. I released the first one, and my bird wrasse, got him before he could even blink. I was so suprised, because I have a parrot fish that the bird wrasse has never messed with, and a small catfish the that he has never chased either. I put the second jawfish down in the sand, but Ihave not seen him since. Just letting everyone know to never put a jawfish with a bird wrasse.
:confused: :notsure:
:mad: :scared: :nervous: :nope:


I've got a good sized lunare wrasse. I have to wait until after the lights are off and he's gone to bed before I can add anything to the tank. This has seemed to work out fine. Sorry about your loss.


That is horrible news. I am so bummed to hear when a poor little fishy gets gobbled up because we put them in harms way. I hope you have better luck with the bird wrasse in the future!!! Good luck!!!!!!!!!:scared: