Meaty Fishfood


Just curious about some meaty fish food for my fish. I have 2 banggi cardinals and was told they eat brine shrimp, however, I would like to expand their diet and was wondering if bloodworms would be sufficient for them or are they for just freshwater fish? Any input for additional meaty foods for fish would be greatly appreciated.

mr . salty

Active Member
Check the fridge at your LFS.At mine they have quite a variety;squid,a few diffrent shrimp,silversides,and more.All can be thawed and chopped up very fine and fed to your fish. A varied diet is good for your fish. STEVE


Staff member
Hey, I thought I was the only one that "chopped" up a bunch of frozen foods to come up with my own variety packettes! LOL
Notice how much "moisture" there is in frozen foods compared to actual nutrition? This really becomes apparent when you chop and mix frozen foods up yourself....and also that gel they use to bind the blocks...yuk.
I'm trying to get my fish used to taking high quality dried foods now.
Now, as to this post, you can try out the blood worms, but with as much marine vairety as there is on the market, why go this route?


My fish love Brine and blood worms :)
but, like someone said above, just check out the freezer in your LFS...
Mine has clam, shrimp, combos, etc....
Your fish will probably love all of them :)
Feed them with some variety...