mechanical filtration


Active Member
i have a 100 gallon setup with 75 gallon display and 25 gallon sump. how can i add mechanical filtration to this setup? i like the look of crystal clear water and the only filtration i have is natural biological filtration, a skimmer, and a young scrubber.
thanks for the help


The micron bag is mechanical filtration. As is the skimmer.
But as mech says, none is really needed. You are running what's called the berlin system, pending you have adaquate live rock.
Live rock and a skimmer is really all a good healthy system needs.
The sock pulls out excess foods before they break down.


Originally Posted by Tizzo
The micron bag is mechanical filtration. As is the skimmer.
But as mech says, none is really needed. You are running what's called the berlin system, pending you have adaquate live rock.
Live rock and a skimmer is really all a good healthy system needs.
The sock pulls out excess foods before they break down.
The micron bag is only to hold the carbon from floating around. A sock is for filtration. Put the bag in high flow area like the near the outlet of the return pipe. I dont beleive in socks because they starve the fuge of leftovers or get forgoten and cloged up becoming nitrate factorys.
Yes live rock and a good skimmer is all you should need in a reef.

Also If you run carbon dont let it sit in the tank more than a month after that they will leach backint to the system. I got 3 weeks to be safe.


Originally Posted by Mech-a-nic
The micron bag is only to hold the carbon from floating around. A sock is for filtration.
We are kind of on 2 different pages, I think.
The socks available here are 25 0r 50 micron bags, so that's what I thought you were referring to...
But I gotcha now.
And I totally agree, a sock is a pain in the booty! If you don't change it daily, it does more harm than good.