Mechanical Filtration?


New Member
I currently have an Emperor 400 power filter hanging on the back of my 55 Gal long tank. I also have a Remora skimmer and plenty of filtration. I've been getting mixed answers in regards to whether I should use the filters that come with the Emperor or not. Some say I should remove the Emperor completely, and others say i should run only the media cartridges with carbon. Then another told me that I can run the filters as long as I clean them frequently. How do I clean them? Rinse in tap water?
Please help
BTW, I have 65 # of Fiji LR and 50# LS, no fish no corals yet, still cycling with plenty of circulation (3 powerheads):confused:


The only MEch filtration I use is the Skimmer. I always suggest to stay natural. 1 to 2 lbs live rock and a DSB 3.5 to 6" deep will be all the fitration you will need. Of course a sump is always helpful as well. IMO dump the mech filter. But thats just me.


Active Member
Sounds like you do indeed have plenty of biofiltration in place.
If I was in your situation - I would keep the Emperor 400 in place for added water circulation, and a place to occasionally run carbon.
You can use it for mechanical filtration to remove any particles or suspended detritus crap - once again - only as necessary.
If you are just going to use the cartridges for mechanical filtration - I'd rinse them off in tapwater to clean and keep them as mechanical only filter elements. In other words - kill the bacteria on purpose on these elements.
Put them away, and have on hand should you want to use them later.