Media usage in power filter?


Ok, I've heard alot about using foam and carbon in reef setups. Both pro and con, the guy who runs my lfs says they're necessary for mechanical filtration.But I've read numorous post on this and other forums that it causes a nitrite problem.I'm running a AQUA CLEAR 500 on my tank at this moment, loaded with the usual media that comes with.I used these on freshwater setups for years(18 on and off),so its a little freaky to think I can run a tank without one.I've made the leap strait from planted freshwater tanks to reef and its a bit of a shock to my aquarium keeping habits.
My system has been up for almost three weeks and has already cycled, which was surprising.Two days ago I introduced ten blue hermits and 5 snails. Thats all the livesock so far plus whatever came with the live rock.( little buggers that scurry into holes when the lights go on).
Is it a good Idea to remove the sponge in the filter and just run it with carbon?How about CHEMIPURE? I used that alot in my plant tanks with great results.

nm reef

Active Member
Filter media topic has been kicked around a lot. Personally I filter with LR/DSB/refugium...on occassion I run activated carbon and / or phosphate sponge in a mechanical that is on my refugium. Normally I run the media for 24-48 hrs once a month. My opinion is that if left constantly they tend to trap stuff that may contribute to increased nitrates. Occassional use helps to polish up the water a bit....but I am fully aware that other folks have different practices. Bottom line is .....welcome to the confusing and contradicting world of reefs....*_^
By the way.........

To the board!!


i use carbon in one of the filter media cartridge all of the time for and emporer 400. it doesnt seem to trap a lot of junk. but seems to keep the water nice.


i used to use carbon all the time, and have just recently pulled it out. i use it every now and then, usually in my make up water while it circulates. then i take it out and add my supplements and let it go from there. ;)
oh, i also use a copper remover media also, because i use bottled distilled water.


New Member
How about using a carbon filter in the Bio-Bale side of a hang on CPR Bak-Pak two days a week just to clear up the water then remove it from the skimmer. Does anyone feel this would cause a nitrate increase? Poly Filter just doesn't clear up the water.