Medically Assisted Death/Suicide


Active Member
Personally, I think it's up to the person and their physician if they are conscious and the family and the physician if they are not. If you are sick and dying and there is no hope and the pain is torturing you I don't see why you shouldn't be able to put yourself out of your misery. As far as families getting involved, it's important for them to know what you want. That's why my parents have already put in their wills what they want as well as talked to my sister and I about it. I have done the same and let my parents know that if I am ever in a coma I want them to pull the plug instead of spending their lives worrying about me when I am for all practical purposes dead to the world.
I understand that some people want to hold on until the end and that's your right, but for those that know that enough is enough I feel that they should have the right to have those views respected.


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Originally Posted by watson3
Undoing what I did this morning. Bad morning. Ha!


Active Member
Not that interesting. It looks like a change of heart and undelete of a previously deleted thread...


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Originally Posted by skipperdz
free will...if they want to end it, well then by all means its your life.
yup, it's their life, if thats what they want then go right on ahead, if not they could do it themselves anyway.


Active Member

Originally Posted by hot883
Undoing what I did this morning. Bad morning. Ha!
Was not here this morning...... :thinking:
I dont like the thought of that people can get in such a physicaly painfull state that they feel they dont want to live......I beleive it happens....I am thankfull that I am not in that kind of state but if I was, I would want to be able to make that decision for myself
I do believe that if a person does wish to die because of reasons determined to fall in a described catogory then they should have that option.
I say descibed, because it should be limited and doctor or several doctors approved somehow so that it does not allow people who may just be depressed or not really in such a bad state to abuse it or even bad doctors just trying to make money...
I can not tell you what I would choose to do because I have not had to live like that.....I would hope that I would never choose suicide because I beleive that God will not forgive me...Everyone should be allowed to make their own choices and let God be the Judge.


Active Member
I work in Oncology, and there are some who would like some 'help'......
It is difficult to comprehend how much pain some of them have, the doses of some medications are WAY up there....
Reminds me of the Derby horse Barbaro....he was suffering and there was no realistic chance of his condition improving enough to have a 'quality' life on the pasture.....
I wonder why we feel humans are different......?


Active Member
"Cost" --medically, economically, emotionally
Advanced directives?
Living wills?
Vegetative states?


Active Member
You're not required to participate. No debate looking for some additional perspectives/pearls of wisdom to provide to some of my patients.


Originally Posted by Catawaba
You're not required to participate. No debate looking for some additional perspectives/pearls of wisdom to provide to some of my patients.
You are right. I am sorry if I came off the wrong way. I didn't mean to be harsh. This is for research?? I notice that you have a few controversal subjects going on at the moment.


Originally Posted by Catawaba
I work in Oncology, and there are some who would like some 'help'......
It is difficult to comprehend how much pain some of them have, the doses of some medications are WAY up there....
Reminds me of the Derby horse Barbaro....he was suffering and there was no realistic chance of his condition improving enough to have a 'quality' life on the pasture.....
I wonder why we feel humans are different......?

You have my full and sincere apology!!!! My thought on this is that if a person is suffering and has no outline of what should be done at this point then it is up to the patient. By this I mean that if the person is fully functional and is in severe pain and wants to be laid to rest then that person should be. Unless that person is deemed uncapable of thought, that person's wishes should hold true.


Active Member
I say go for it, someone wants to die, great...more for me and the rest of the planet that likes life and the pursuit of it.


I'm all for a dignified end to life. When there is no hope, all possible methods for recovery have been tried, and the outcome is going to be terminal anyway, why should a person be forced to suffer through days, weeks, months of pain?
Of course in some states, it doesn't matter what a person wants, there are laws against this.


I think people should be allowed to choose and do whatever they want. If it harms others, there should be punishment. If it harms themselves, so what? Some people are just flat out bat-sh** crazy and do irrational things. If you wanna help them, YOU help them. Don't drag others into the whole "have mercy or pity or sympathy".
If someone is in constant pain, or can't take care of themselves (basic human functions like wiping your butt and brushing your teeth) should be allowed to end their own lives.
But then you have those religious nuts that think god created you and owns you so you can't do anything to yourself god would disaprove of. They'll always have an irrational perspective of life and will try to control things that aren't in line with their religion. In my opinion, that's futile and childish.
This is America, we used to be free to do whatever we pleased, legal or not. If we got caught, we got in trouble and served our punishment. There used to be a very obvious bold line that divided crimes that didn't really harm anyone (the ones that were fun and required an abundance of stupidity or teenage adventurism) and crimes that endangered all society (murder, drug dealing, ----). Nowadays people can commit a crime just by saying something. It's absurd, too much political correctness and hyper-sensitivity to "feelings" that should be disregarded.